Package 'reporter'

Title: Creates Statistical Reports
Description: Contains functions to create regulatory-style statistical reports. Originally designed to create tables, listings, and figures for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries, these reports are generalized enough that they could be used in any industry. Generates text, rich-text, PDF, HTML, and Microsoft Word file formats. The package specializes in printing wide and long tables with automatic page wrapping and splitting. Reports can be produced with a minimum of function calls, and without relying on other table packages. The package supports titles, footnotes, page header, page footers, spanning headers, page by variables, and automatic page numbering.
Authors: David Bosak [aut, cre], Kevin Kramer [ctb], Duong Tran [ctb], Raphael Huang [ctb], Archytas Clinical Solutions [cph]
Maintainer: David Bosak <[email protected]>
License: CC0
Version: 1.4.4
Built: 2025-02-13 05:30:08 UTC

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Add content to a report


This function adds an object to the report content list. A report will accept multiple pieces of content. The add_content function also controls overall alignment of the content on the page, and whether there is a page break before or after.


  page_break = TRUE,
  align = "center",
  blank_row = "below"



The report_spec to append content to.


The object to append.


Whether to add a page break after the object. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. You can manipulate the page_break parameter to add multiple objects to the same page.


How to align the content. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center', and 'centre'.


Whether to put a blank row above or below the content. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'.


The add_content function adds a piece of content to a report. For a text report, valid objects are a table or text object. For an RTF, PDF, HTML, or DOCX report, valid objects are a table, text, or plot object. See create_table, create_text, or create_plot for further information on how to create content objects.

Content will be appended to the report in the order it is added. By default, a page break is added after the content. You can stack two pieces of content together closely by setting the page_break parameter to FALSE, and the blank_row parameter to "none".


The modified report_spec.

See Also

create_table, create_text, and create_plot to create content for a report.

Other report: create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")

# Create first table 
tbl1 <- create_table(mtcars[1:5, 1:6]) %>% 
  column_defaults(width = .5) 

# Create second table
tbl2 <- create_table(mtcars[6:10, 1:6], headerless=TRUE) %>% 
  column_defaults(width = .5) 

# Create the report object
rpt <- create_report(tmp) %>%
  titles("MTCARS Sample Data", align = "left") %>%
  add_content(tbl1, page_break = FALSE, align = "left", blank_row = "none") %>%
  add_content(tbl2, page_break = FALSE, align = "left") %>%
  add_content(create_text("* NOTE: Above table is actually two tables stacked."))

# Write the report to the file system
res <- write_report(rpt)

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

# MTCARS Sample Data
#    mpg    cyl   disp     hp   drat     wt
# -----------------------------------------
#     21      6    160    110    3.9   2.62
#     21      6    160    110    3.9  2.875
#   22.8      4    108     93   3.85   2.32
#   21.4      6    258    110   3.08  3.215
#   18.7      8    360    175   3.15   3.44
#   18.1      6    225    105   2.76   3.46
#   14.3      8    360    245   3.21   3.57  
#   24.4      4  146.7     62   3.69   3.19
#   22.8      4  140.8     95   3.92   3.15
#   19.2      6  167.6    123   3.92   3.44
# * NOTE: Above table is actually two tables stacked.

Add a style object to a report.


This function will add a style object to a report specification. The style may be added either by passing a style object to the style parameter, or by passing a theme name to the theme parameter.


add_style(rpt, style = NULL, theme = NULL)



The report specification to add a style to.


A style object which contains style settings to add to the report. This parameter is optional. Default is NULL.


A theme name to use for this report. Valid values are "MidnightBlue", "SteelBlue", "DarkRed", "SeaGreen", "SlateGrey", "Plain", and "SASDefault". Default is NULL.


The add_style() function allows you to add styling to HTML reports. This functionality will apply to additional output types in future versons of the reporter package.

Styling can be added by passing a named theme to the theme parameter, or by creating a style object using the create_style function and passing that object to the style parameter. You may also export a theme as a style object using the get_theme function, modify it, and pass that to the style parameter.

Style Specifications

The style specification is created using the create_style function, and provides the most styling flexibility. The style object allows you to control background colors, font colors, border colors, and more. Colors can be specified using an RGB hex code, or an HTML/CSS-compliant color name. See the create_style documentation for additional information.


There are currently seven themes available: "MidnightBlue", "SteelBlue", "DarkRed", "SeaGreen", "SlateGrey", "Plain", and "SASDefault". All themes use Arial 10pt font. These themes are intended to provide a basic set of examples on how to create styles. Themes can be used by passing the theme name to the theme parameter on the add_style() function. The theme will assign a variety of style settings according to the specifics of the theme. For example, the "MidnightBlue" theme sets the title font and header background colors to "MidnightBlue" and sets the border color to "Grey".

To view theme style settings, you can use get_theme function. This function will return the theme as a style object. See the get_theme documentation for further details.

See Also

Other styles: create_style(), get_theme(), print.style_spec()



# Prepare data
dat <-
dat <- dat[dat$Freq >= 10, ]

## Example 1: Use Pre-defined Theme ##

# Create temp file path
tmp1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "HairAndEyes1.html")

# Create table object
tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "outside") %>% 
titles("Hair and Eye Colors with Theme") %>% 
column_defaults(width = .6)

# Create report and add theme
rpt <- create_report(tmp1, output_type = "HTML") %>% 
       add_content(tbl) %>% 
       add_style(theme = "SteelBlue")

# Write out the report        

# Uncomment to View report

#' ## Example 2: Create Custom Style ##

# Create temp file path
tmp2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "HairAndEyes2.html")

# Define custom style
sty <- create_style(font_name = "Times",
                    font_size = 10,
                    title_font_size = 12,
                    title_font_bold = TRUE,
                    title_font_color = "Blue",
                    table_header_background = "Blue",
                    table_header_font_bold = TRUE,
                    table_header_font_color = "White",
                    table_body_background = "White",
                    table_body_stripe = "Red")

# Create table object
tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "outside") %>% 
titles("Hair and Eye Colors with Style") %>% 
column_defaults(width = .6)

# Create report and add style spec
rpt <- create_report(tmp2, output_type = "HTML") %>% 
       add_content(tbl) %>% 
       add_style(style = sty)

# Write out the report        

# Uncomment to View report

A style specification for a table cell


A class to define the style for a cell in a table. This class can be assigned to the "style" parameter of a define function, a stub function, or a column_defaults function. When assigned, the cell style will apply to some or all of the cells in the relevant columns. The "indicator" parameter identifies a column in the table to trigger the style. Alternatively, the "labelrow", "blankrow", or "datarow" shortcuts may be used to identify cells for styling.


cell_style(indicator = NULL, bold = FALSE)



A keyword or column name to indicate which rows the cell style should be applied to. Valid keywords are "labelrow", "blankrow", or "datarow". To use an indicator column, create a column on the input dataset that has a TRUE value for each row that you want the cell style applied. Then pass the name of the column to the indicator parameter. If you do not want to see the indicator column on the report, set the "visible" property on the define function to FALSE for that column. The default value of the indicator parameter is NULL, meaning to apply the style to all rows.


Whether to bold the text in the cell. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. The default is FALSE.



# Create temporary path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "table1.rtf")

# Prepare data
df <- data.frame(names = rownames(mtcars), mtcars[, 1:3])

# Set indicator variable
df$mpgind <- ifelse(df$mpg > 20, TRUE, FALSE)

# Create table
tbl <- create_table(df, first_row_blank = TRUE, 
                    header_bold = TRUE, borders = c("top", "bottom")) %>% 
  column_defaults(style = cell_style(bold = TRUE, indicator = "mpgind")) %>%
  define(names, label = "Car Name") %>%
  define(mpg, label = "Miles Per Gallon") %>% 
  define(cyl, label = "Cylinders") %>% 
  define(disp, label = "Displacement")  %>% 
  define(mpgind, visible = FALSE) %>%
  titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS with Indicator Variable", 
         borders = "none", bold = TRUE, font_size = 11) %>% 
  footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974", borders = "none", blank_row = "none")

# Create report and add custom style
rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "RTF", font = "Arial") %>% 

# Write out report

# View report

Set default attributes for one or more columns


A function to set default attributes for columns on a table. The column_defaults function contains a subset of the parameters on the define function that can be shared across variables. Any attributes set by column_defaults can be overridden by the define function. The overall purpose of the function is to minimize redundancy in column definitions.


  vars = NULL,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  format = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  label_align = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  standard_eval = FALSE,
  style = NULL



A table spec.


The variable name or names to define defaults for. Variable names may be quoted or unquoted. The parameter will also accept integer column positions instead of names. For multiple variables, pass the names or positions as a vector. If you want to pass an R variable of names, set the standard_eval parameter to TRUE. The standard_eval parameter is useful when writing functions that construct reports dynamically.


The variable name or position that starts a column range. If passed as a variable name, it may be quoted or unquoted.


The variable name or position that ends a column range. If passed as a variable name, it may be quoted or unquoted.


The label to use for a column header. This label will be applied to all variables assigned to the column_defaults function.


The format to use for the column data. The format can be a string format, a formatting function, a lookup list, a user-defined format, or a formatting list. All formatting is performed by the fmtr package. For additional information, see the help for that package.


The column alignment. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre".


How to align the header labels for this column. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre".


The width of the column in the specified units of measure. The units of measure are specified on the units parameter of the create_report function. If no width is supplied, the write_report function will assign a default width based on the width of the column data and the label. write_report will not set a column width less than the width of the largest word in the data or label. In other words, write_report will not break words.


The n value to place in the "N=" header label. Formatting for the n value will be performed by the formatting function assigned to the n_format parameter on create_table.


A TRUE or FALSE value that indicates whether to use standard or non-standard evaluation of the vars, from, and to parameters. Set standard_eval to TRUE if you want to pass the column names as variables. Default is FALSE, meaning it will use non-standard (unquoted) evaluation.


A cell_style object that defines a style for all columns associated with the column defaults.


Column defaults can be specified for multiple variables. By default, the function will apply to all variables. Alternately, you can specify a vector of columns on the vars parameter, or a range of columns using the from and to parameters. Both the vars parameters and the from and to parameters will accept column positions, quoted variable names, or unquoted variable names.

The parameters that can be set with the column_defaults include the formatting attributes 'width', 'justify', 'label', and 'format'. Any parameters set with column_defaults will override any attributes set on the data frame.

Note that you may call the column_defaults function multiple times on the same table specification. Typically, multiple column_defaults calls would be made with a different set or range of variables.


The modified table spec.

See Also

Other table: create_table(), define(), print.table_spec(), spanning_header(), stub()


# Create temp file name
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- mtcars[1:10, ]
dat <- data.frame(vehicle = rownames(dat), dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat, show_cols = 1:8) %>% 
  column_defaults(from = mpg, to = qsec, width = .5, format = "%.1f") %>% 
  define(vehicle, label = "Vehicle", width = 1.5, align = "left") %>% 
  define(c(cyl, hp), format = "%.0f") 

# Create the report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait") %>% 
  titles("Table 2.5", "MTCARS Sample Report") %>% 

# Write the report

# Send report to console for viewing
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                                 Table 2.5
#                            MTCARS Sample Report
#    Vehicle               mpg    cyl   disp     hp   drat     wt   qsec
#    -------------------------------------------------------------------
#    Mazda RX4            21.0      6  160.0    110    3.9    2.6   16.5
#    Mazda RX4 Wag        21.0      6  160.0    110    3.9    2.9   17.0
#    Datsun 710           22.8      4  108.0     93    3.8    2.3   18.6
#    Hornet 4 Drive       21.4      6  258.0    110    3.1    3.2   19.4
#    Hornet Sportabout    18.7      8  360.0    175    3.1    3.4   17.0
#    Valiant              18.1      6  225.0    105    2.8    3.5   20.2
#    Duster 360           14.3      8  360.0    245    3.2    3.6   15.8
#    Merc 240D            24.4      4  146.7     62    3.7    3.2   20.0
#    Merc 230             22.8      4  140.8     95    3.9    3.1   22.9
#    Merc 280             19.2      6  167.6    123    3.9    3.4   18.3

Create plot content


Function to create a plot specification that can be added as content to a report. The create_plot function can be used to include charts, graphs, and figures on a statistical report. The function supports plot objects returned by ggplot or ggsurvplot. It does not support the Base R plot function.


create_plot(x, height, width, borders = "none")



The plot to create. Specifically, this parameter should be set to an object returned from a call to ggplot or ggsurvplot. This parameter also accepts a path to a JPEG file. If a path is specified, the image will be appended to the report at the point the content object is added.


The height of the plot in the specified units of measure.


The width of the plot in the specified units of measure.


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'all', 'none', and 'outside'. Default is 'none'. The 'left', 'right', and 'outside' border specifications only apply to RTF reports.


To add a plot to a report, use the create_plot function. The function allows you to set a width and height for the plot. The function will preserve any other geometries you apply to the plot. See the add_content function to control page breaking and blanks spaces above or below the plot.

A plot specification accepts a page_by function. If a page by is applied to the plot, the plot data will be subset by the page by variable, and re-run for each subset.

The plot specification also accepts titles and footnotes. See the titles and footnotes functions for further details.

As of reporter version 1.2.9, the create_plot function also accepts a path to a JPEG stored on the file system instead of a plot object. This functionality was added to allow the user to create figures from other plotting packages. If you pass an image path, the image will be inserted into the report at the location specified.


The plot specification.

See Also

titles to add a title block to the plot, footnotes to add footnotes, and add_content to add the plot object to a report.

Other plot: print.plot_spec()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.rtf")

# Create ggplot
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=cyl, y=mpg)) + geom_point()

# Create plot object
plt <- create_plot(p, height = 4, width = 8)

rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "RTF") %>%
  page_header("Client", "Study: XYZ") %>% 
  titles("Figure 1.0", "MTCARS Miles per Cylinder Plot") %>%
  set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>%
  add_content(plt) %>%
  footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974") %>% 
  page_footer("Time", "Confidential", "Page [pg] of [tpg]")

# Write out report

# Uncomment to view RTF file
# shell.exec(tmp)

Create a report


Creates a report shell to which you may add titles, footnotes, content, etc.


  file_path = "",
  output_type = "TXT",
  orientation = "landscape",
  units = "inches",
  paper_size = "letter",
  missing = "",
  font = "fixed",
  font_size = NULL



The output path of the desired report. Either a full path or a relative path is acceptable. This parameter is not required to create the report_spec object, but will be required to write the report. In addition, the file extension is not required. If the file extension is not supplied, the write_report function will add a file extension based on the output_type specified.


The report output type. Default is "TXT". Valid values are "TXT", "RTF", "PDF", "HTML", and "DOCX".


The page orientation of the desired report. Valid values are "landscape" or "portrait". The default page orientation is "landscape".


Specifies the units of measurement. This setting will indicate the units for columns widths, margins, paper size, and other measurements. Valid values are "inches" or "cm" (centimeters). Default value is "inches".


The expected paper size on which the report may be printed. The paper_size will determine how much text can fit on one page. Valid values are "letter", "legal", "A4", and "RD4". Default is "letter". For the HTML output type, a paper size of "none" is also valid. That means the HTML will be generated in an unbounded manner as a typical web page. For a custom page size, the parameter also accepts a double vector with the page width and height. The width and height should be in the report units of measure, and assume a portrait orientation.


How to display missing values in the report. Default is to replace them with an empty string, which removes them from the report. To display missing values as is, set the missing parameter to NULL. To replace missing values with a character string (such as ".", "-", or "<NA>") pass the desired character string to the missing parameter.


The font to use on the report. The font specified will be used for the entire report. Valid values are "Courier", "Arial", "Times", and "fixed". The value of "fixed" will create a fixed-width, text style report in Courier font. The font parameter only applies to RTF, HTML, PDF, and DOCX reports. The default value is "fixed".


The size of the font to use on the report. The font_size specified will be used for the entire report. Valid values are 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. The font_size parameter only applies to RTF, PDF, HTML, and DOCX output types. The default value is 10.


This function is the constructor for the report object. The report object contains information needed to create a report. The object is defined as an S3 object, and has a class of 'report_spec'.

The report object holds information concerning report page size, orientation, titles, footnotes, page header, page footer, margins, and other options. Use the add_content function to add content to the report. The report may be written to a file using the write_report function.


A new report_spec object.

Report family of functions

The report is the primary container for report specifications. The following functions add additional specifications to the report object initialized with create_report.

The report family of functions are pipe-friendly. After creating the report, you may pipe the object to any of the above functions to append additional options.

Note that PDF output currently only supports a fixed-width style report. A variable-width report with a choice of fonts will be available in future versions of the reporter package.

See Also

create_table, create_text, and create_plot functions to create content for the report.

Other report: add_content(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "airquality.txt")

# Prepare Data
dat <- airquality[sample(1:153, 15), ]
dat$Month <-  as.Date(paste0("1973-", dat$Month, "-01"))

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat, show_cols = c("Month", "Day", "Wind", "Temp", "Ozone")) %>% 
  titles("Table 9.6", "Air Quality Sample Report") %>% 
  column_defaults(width = .5) %>% 
  define(Month, format = "%B", align = "left", width = 1) %>% 
  define(Temp, format = "%.0f") %>% 
  footnotes("* New York, May to September 1973")

# Define report 
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait",  missing = "-") %>% 

# Write the report to the file system

# Write the report to the console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                      Table 9.6
#              Air Quality Sample Report
#      Month           Day   Wind   Temp  Ozone
#      ----------------------------------------
#      July              8    6.3     92     97
#      July              9    5.7     92     97
#      August            1    6.9     81     39
#      July             23   11.5     82      -
#      June              9   13.8     90     71
#      July             12   14.3     73     10
#      July              4   10.9     84      -
#      May              31    7.4     76     37
#      September        30   11.5     68     20
#      June             25      8     75      -
#      June             28   11.5     80      -
#      August           18    7.4     76     23
#      June             20   10.3     76     13
#      July              1    4.1     84    135
#      May              23    9.7     61      4
#      * New York, May to September 1973

Creates a style object


This function will create a style object to control background colors and font settings on your report. The style object can be applied to a report using the add_style function. Currently, styles may only be applied to HTML reports.


  font_name = NULL,
  font_size = NULL,
  text_color = NULL,
  background_color = NULL,
  title_font_size = NULL,
  title_font_bold = NULL,
  title_font_color = NULL,
  title_background = NULL,
  footnote_font_bold = NULL,
  footnote_font_color = NULL,
  footnote_background = NULL,
  border_color = NULL,
  table_header_background = NULL,
  table_header_font_bold = NULL,
  table_header_font_color = NULL,
  table_body_background = NULL,
  table_body_stripe = NULL,
  table_body_font_color = NULL,
  table_stub_background = NULL,
  table_stub_font_color = NULL,
  table_stub_font_bold = NULL,
  table_label_row_bold = NULL



The name of the font to use on the report. Valid values are "Courier", "Arial", or "Times". The default is "Courier".


The default font size to use for the report. This font size will be used for all text, unless overridden by another font size parameter.


The default color to use for all text in the report. This parameter will apply to the entire report, unless overridden by other font color settings.


The color to use for the background of the report. This color will appear everywhere on the document unless overridden by another color specification.


The font size to use for the title font in points.


Whether to bold the title or not. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. By default, the title will not be bold.


The color to use for the title font.


The background color for the title block.


Whether to bold the footnote or not. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. By default, the footnote will not be bold.


The font color to use for footnotes.


The color to be used for the background of footnotes.


The color to use for all borders in the report. By default, the border will be black.


The background color to use in the table header. This color may be different than the background color used in the table body.


Whether to bold the header labels or not. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. By default, the header will not be bold.


The font color to use on the table header.


The background color to use in the body of any table in the report.


The background color to use for every other row in a table. The stripe color is used in conjunction with the body background color to perform table striping. The stripe color will start on the second row.


The font color to use for the body of any table in the report.


The background color to use for the stub column, if one exists on the table.


The font color to be used for the stub column, if one exists on the table.


Whether or not to bold the stub column. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE.


Whether or not to bold the label row on a stub column. This parameter is so you can bold the label row, but not the values in the stub column. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE.


The style object contains style settings for a report. The style object allows you to control background colors and font specifications such as font size, font color, and font bold. The style object can be created once and reused on many reports. See the add_style function to learn how to add the style object to a report.

Note that styles will be applied uniformly to the entire report. Also note that at present, styles can be used only on HTML output types. Future versions of the reporter package will provide style support for other output types.

On the style object, colors for background and fonts may be passed as an RGB hex code or a color name. For example, the color red may be passed as the hex code "#FF0000" or as the color name "Red". Color names must conform to HTML/CSS standards. These color names can be easily discovered on the internet. A sample of common color names is presented below.

Color Names

Many of the parameters on the style object accept a color name or code. The values accepted for these parameters follow standard HTML/CSS style color values. Below is a sample of common color names that can be used to specify colors with the create_style function. These color names should be passed as a quoted string:

  • Primary and Secondary Colors: Black, White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple and Brown.

  • Common Shades: Beige, Crimson, Gold, Indigo, Ivory, Lavender, Maroon, Navy, Olive, Pink, Plum, RoyalBlue, Silver, Teal, Turquoise, Violet

  • Shades of White: AntiqueWhite, Azure, GhostWhite, SeaShell, Snow, WhiteSmoke

  • Shades of Grey: Grey, Gray, DarkGray, DarkGrey, DimGray, DimGrey, LightGray, LightGrey, SlateGray, SlateGrey

  • Shades of Blue: AliceBlue, CadetBlue, CornflowerBlue, DodgerBlue, PowderBlue, LightBlue, MidnightBlue, SkyBlue, SlateBlue, SteelBlue

  • Earth Colors: Beige, Bisque, BurlyWood, ForestGreen, Khaki, Linen, SandyBrown, SaddleBrown, Salmon, SeaGreen, Sienna, Tan, Thistle, Wheat

  • Bright Colors: Aqua, Aquamarine, BlueViolet, Cyan, Fuchia, HotPink, Lime, Magenta, OrangeRed, SpringGreen

See Also

Other styles: add_style(), get_theme(), print.style_spec()



# Prepare data
dat <- data.frame(stub = rownames(mtcars), mtcars)
dat <- dat[1:15, ]

# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "HairAndEyes2.html")

# Define custom style
sty <- create_style(font_name = "Arial",
                    font_size = 10,
                    background_color = "WhiteSmoke",
                    border_color = "Grey",
                    title_font_size = 12,
                    title_font_bold = TRUE,
                    title_font_color = "SteelBlue",
                    table_header_background = "Tan",
                    table_header_font_bold = TRUE,
                    table_header_font_color = "White",
                    table_body_background = "White",
                    table_body_stripe = "Wheat", 
                    table_stub_background = "Tan",
                    table_stub_font_color = "White")

# Create table object
tbl <- create_table(dat, borders = "all") %>% 
titles("MTCARS Dataset With Style") %>% 
column_defaults(width = .5) %>% 
define(stub, label = "Car Make and Model", width = 1.5)

# Create report and add style spec
rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "HTML") %>% 
       add_content(tbl) %>% 
       add_style(style = sty)

# Write out the report        

# Uncomment to View report

Create a table


The create_table function creates a table object to which further specifications can be added. The object can be added to a report using the add_content function. The object is implemented as an S3 object of class 'table_spec'.


  show_cols = "all",
  use_attributes = "all",
  width = NULL,
  first_row_blank = FALSE,
  n_format = upcase_parens,
  headerless = FALSE,
  borders = "none",
  header_bold = FALSE,
  continuous = FALSE



The data frame or tibble from which to create the table object.


This parameter gives control over which columns in the input data to display on the report by default. Valid values are 'all', 'none', a vector of quoted column names, or a vector of column positions. 'all' means show all columns, unless overridden by the column definitions. 'none' means don't show any columns unless specified in the column definitions. If a vector of column names or positions is supplied, those columns will be shown in the report in the order specified, whether or not a definition is supplied. See the define function for additional information on how to show/hide report columns.


Whether or not to use any formatting attributes assigned to the columns on the input data frame. Valid values are 'all', 'none', or a vector of attribute names to use. Possible attributes that may be used are 'label', 'format', 'width', and 'justify'. By default, any of these attribute values will be applied to the table. For example, if you assign a label to the 'label' attribute of a data frame column, pass that data frame into create_table, and don't override the label value on a define function, the label will appear as a column header on the table. The use_attributes parameter allows you to control this default behavior, and use or ignore data frame attributes as desired.


The expected width of the table in the report units of measure. By default, the width setting is NULL, and columns will be sized according to the width of the data and labels. If the width parameter is set, the function will attempt to size the table to the specified width. If the sum of the column widths is less than the specified width, the function will adjust the columns widths proportionally to fit the specified width. If the sum of the column widths is wider than the table width parameter value, the table width parameter will be ignored.


Whether to place a blank row under the table header. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE.


The formatting function to apply to the header "N=" label. The default formatting function is upcase_parens.


Whether to create a headerless table. A headerless table displays the table data only. Default is FALSE, meaning the table will have a header.


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'all', 'none', 'outside', 'inside', and 'body'. Default is 'none'. The 'left', 'right', 'outside', 'inside', and 'body' border specifications only apply to RTF, HTML, PDF, and DOCX reports. The 'body' border specification means put borders around only the body of the table.


Whether or not the column headers on the tables should be bolded. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. The default is FALSE.


If a table crosses multiple pages, it is normally broken into a separate table for each page, and the titles and footnotes are repeated on each page. When the "continuous" parameter is TRUE, the table will instead be a single table, and the titles and footnotes will not be repeated on each page. This parameter currently only works for RTF outputs. Also, this parameter only works for titles and footnotes that are attached to the table body. Titles and footnotes attached to the report will still be shown on every page.


A table object is a container to hold information about a table. The only required information for a table is the table data. All other parameters and functions are optional.

By default, the table will display all columns in the data frame. To change this default, use the show_cols parameter. Setting this parameter to 'none' will display none of the columns in the data, unless they are explicitly defined with a define function.

The show_cols parameter also accepts a vector of column positions or column names. When a vector is supplied, create_table will display only those columns on the report, in the order encountered in the vector. The show_cols parameter is the only mechanism in create_table to modify the column order. Otherwise, modify the order prior to sending the data to create_table using the many options available in Base R or supplemental packages.

Setting Formatting Attributes

Formatting attributes can be controlled in three ways. By default, formatting attributes assigned to the data frame will be passed through to the reporting functions. The reporting functions will recognize the 'label', 'format', 'width', and 'justify' attributes. In other words, you can control the column label, width, format, and alignment of your report columns simply by assigning those attributes to your data frame. The advantage of using attributes assigned to data frame columns is that you can store those attributes permanently with the data frame, and those attributes will not have to be re-specified for each report. To ignore attributes assigned to the data frame, set the use_attributes parameter to 'none'.

Secondly, attributes can be specified using the column_defaults function. This function allows the user to apply a default set of parameters to one or more columns. If no columns are specified in the var or from and to parameter of this function, the defaults will apply to all columns. Any default parameter value can be overridden by the define function.

Lastly, the define function provides the most control over column parameters. This function provides a significant amount of functionality that cannot be specified elsewhere. See the define function for additional information. The define function will also override any formatting attributes assigned to the data frame, or anything set by the column_defaults function.

Additional Functionality

The create_table function also provides the capabilities to create a "headerless" table. A headerless table is useful when combining two tables into one report. The example below illustrates use of a headerless table.

Since the purpose of the reporter package is to create statistical reports, the create_table function makes it easy to add population counts to the table header. These population counts are added to column labels and spanning header labels using the n parameter on the define or spanning_header functions. The population count is formatted according to the n_format parameter on create_table. The reporter package provides four population count formatting functions. You may create your own formatting function if one of these functions does not meet your needs. See upcase_parens for further details.

See Also

create_report to create a report, create_plot to create a plot, create_text to create text content, and add_content to append content to a report. Also see the titles, footnotes, and page_by functions to add those items to the table if desired.

Other table: column_defaults(), define(), print.table_spec(), spanning_header(), stub()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")

#Subset cars data
dat <- mtcars[1:10, 1:7]

# Calculate means for all columns
dat_sum <- data.frame(all_cars = "All cars average", as.list(sapply(dat, mean)), 
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Get vehicle names into first column
dat_mod <- data.frame(vehicle = rownames(dat), dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Create table for averages
tbl1 <- create_table(dat_sum) %>% 
        titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS Sample Data") %>% 
        column_defaults(width = .5) %>% 
        define(all_cars, label = "", width = 2) %>% 
        define(mpg, format = "%.1f") %>% 
        define(disp, format = "%.1f") %>% 
        define(hp, format = "%.0f") %>% 
        define(qsec, format = "%.2f")

# Create table for modified data
tbl2 <- create_table(dat_mod, headerless = TRUE) %>% 
        column_defaults(width = .5) %>% 
        define(vehicle, width = 2) 

# Create the report object
rpt <- create_report(tmp) %>% 
  add_content(tbl1, align = "left", page_break = FALSE) %>% 
  add_content(tbl2, align = "left") 

# Write the report to the file system

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                                 Table 1.0
#                             MTCARS Sample Data
#                             mpg    cyl   disp     hp   drat     wt   qsec
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All cars average           20.4    5.8  208.6    123  3.538  3.128  18.58
# Mazda RX4                    21      6    160    110    3.9   2.62  16.46
# Mazda RX4 Wag                21      6    160    110    3.9  2.875  17.02
# Datsun 710                 22.8      4    108     93   3.85   2.32  18.61
# Hornet 4 Drive             21.4      6    258    110   3.08  3.215  19.44
# Hornet Sportabout          18.7      8    360    175   3.15   3.44  17.02
# Valiant                    18.1      6    225    105   2.76   3.46  20.22
# Duster 360                 14.3      8    360    245   3.21   3.57  15.84
# Merc 240D                  24.4      4  146.7     62   3.69   3.19     20
# Merc 230                   22.8      4  140.8     95   3.92   3.15   22.9
# Merc 280                   19.2      6  167.6    123   3.92   3.44   18.3

Create text content


Function to create a text specification that can be added as content to a report. The text content can be used to include analysis on a statistical report. A text specification is an S3 object of class 'text_spec'.


create_text(txt, width = NULL, align = "left", borders = "none")



The text to create.


The width of the text in the specified units of measure. If no width is specified, the full page width will be used.


How to align the text within the content area. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'centre'. Default is 'left'.


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'all', 'none', and 'outside'. Default is 'none'. The 'left', 'right', and 'outside' border specifications only apply to RTF reports.


To add plain text to a report, use the create_text function. The function allows you to set a width and alignment for the text. The function will preserve any other formatting you apply to the text. See the add_content function to control page breaking and blanks spaces above or below the text.

The text specification also accepts titles and footnotes. See the titles and footnotes functions for further details.


The text specification.

See Also

titles to add a title block to the text, footnotes to add footnotes, and add_content to add the text object to a report.

Other text: print.text_spec()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")

# Create dummy text
dt <- paste0("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ",
  "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ",
  "Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris ",
  "nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in ", 
  "reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla ",
  "pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa ",
  "qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.")

# Create the text object
txt <- create_text(dt) %>% 
  titles("Text Content 1.0", "Sample Text Report") %>% 
  footnotes("* Cicero, 1st century BCE")

# Create the report object
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait") %>% 

# Write the report to the file system

# Write the report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                                Text Content 1.0
#                               Sample Text Report
# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
# incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
# nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
# Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
# eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt
# in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
# * Cicero, 1st century BCE

Defines a column


A function to define a table column. The define function contains a variety of a parameters to control the appearance of the report. Using the define function, you can control simple options like column alignment and width, but also control more sophisticated options like page wrapping and page breaking.


  label = NULL,
  format = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  label_align = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  visible = TRUE,
  n = NULL,
  blank_after = FALSE,
  dedupe = FALSE,
  id_var = FALSE,
  page_wrap = FALSE,
  page_break = FALSE,
  indent = NULL,
  label_row = FALSE,
  standard_eval = FALSE,
  style = NULL



The table spec.


The variable name or names to define a column for. Names may be quoted or unquoted. If defining for multiple variables, pass them as a vector of names. If you want to pass an R variable of names, set the standard_eval parameter to TRUE . The standard_eval parameter is useful when writing functions that construct reports dynamically.


The label to use for the column header. If a label is assigned to the label column attribute, it will be used as a default. Otherwise, the column name will be used.


The format to use for the column data. The format can be a string format, a formatting function, a lookup list, a user-defined format, or a formatting list. All formatting is performed by the fapply function from the fmtr package. For a list of common formatting codes, see FormattingStrings.


The column alignment. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre". By default, text columns will be left aligned and numeric columns will be right aligned.


How to align the header labels for this column. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre". By default, the label alignment will follow any alignment set on the column align parameter.


The width of the column in the specified units of measure. The units of measure are specified on the units parameter of the create_report function. If no width is supplied, the write_report function will assign a default width based on the width of the column data and the label. write_report will not set a column width less than the width of the largest word in the data or label. In other words, write_report will not break words.


Whether or not the column should be visible on the report. This parameter can be used as a simple way to drop columns from the report.


The n value to place in the "N=" header label. Formatting for the n value will be performed by the formatting function assigned to the n_format parameter on create_table.


Whether to place a blank row after unique values of this variable. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE.


Whether to dedupe the values for this variable. Variables that are deduped only show the value on the first row of each group. This option is commonly used for grouping variables.


Whether this variable should be considered an ID variable. ID variables are retained on each page when the page is wrapped. ID variables are also moved to the far left of the page.


Force a page wrap on this variable. A page wrap is a vertical page break necessary when the table is too wide to fit on a single page. The excess variables will be wrapped to the next page. Page wraps will continue until all columns are displayed. Use the id_var parameter to identify rows across wrapped pages.


You may control when page breaks occur by defining a page break variable yourself, and setting this parameter to TRUE for that variable. Only one page break variable can be defined per table. If two or more variables are defined as a page break, an error will be generated.


How much to indent the column values. The parameter takes a numeric value that will be interpreted according to the units (Unit Of Measure) setting on the report. This parameter can be used to help create a stub column. The default value is NULL, meaning the column should not be indented. See the stub function for additional information on creating a stub column.


Whether the values of the variable should be used to create a label row. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE. If label_row is set to TRUE, the dedupe parameter will also be set to TRUE. This parameter is often used in conjunction with the stub function and indent parameter to create a stub column.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether to use standard evaluation on the vars parameter value. Default is FALSE. Set this parameter to TRUE if you want to pass the vars value(s) using a variable.


A cell_style object that defines the desired style for this column. The cell style object can be used to define conditional styling.


Column definitions are optional. By default, all columns in the data are displayed in the order assigned to the data frame.

The report will use attributes assigned to the data frame such as 'width', 'justify', 'label', and 'format'. In other words, some control over the column formatting is available by manipulating the data frame attributes prior to assigning the data frame to create_table. See create_table for more details.

The define function is used to provide additional control over column appearance. For example, you may use the define function to assign an "N=" population count, eliminate duplicates from the column, or place a blank row after each unique value of the variable. See the parameter documentation for additional options.

Some of the parameters on the define function are used in the creation of a table stub. Specifically, the label_row and indent parameters participate in the creation of the stub column. See the stub function for further information.

A single column definition may be defined for multiple variables. To create a definition for multiple variables, pass the variables as a quoted or unquoted vector. When creating a single definition for multiple variables, the parameters will be unified across those variables. Note that some parameters (such as page_break) may only be set once per report, and cannot be shared across multiple variables.


The modified table spec.

See Also

Other table: column_defaults(), create_table(), print.table_spec(), spanning_header(), stub()


# Create temp file name
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- mtcars[1:10, ]
dat <- data.frame(vehicle = rownames(dat), dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat, show_cols = 1:8) %>% 
  define(vehicle, label = "Vehicle", width = 3, id_var = TRUE, align = "left") %>% 
  define(mpg, label = "Miles per Gallon", width = 1) %>% 
  define(cyl, label = "Cylinders", format = "%.1f") %>% 
  define(disp, label = "Displacement") %>% 
  define(hp, label = "Horsepower", page_wrap = TRUE) %>% 
  define(drat, visible = FALSE) %>% 
  define(wt, label = "Weight") %>% 
  define(qsec, label = "Quarter Mile Time", width = 1.5) 

# Create the report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait") %>% 
  titles("Listing 2.0", "MTCARS Data Listing with Page Wrap") %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") %>% 
  page_footer(right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")

# Write the report

# Send report to console for viewing
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                                  Listing 2.0
#                       MTCARS Data Listing with Page Wrap
#                                         Miles per
# Vehicle                                    Gallon Cylinders Displacement
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mazda RX4                                      21       6.0          160
# Mazda RX4 Wag                                  21       6.0          160
# Datsun 710                                   22.8       4.0          108
# Hornet 4 Drive                               21.4       6.0          258
# Hornet Sportabout                            18.7       8.0          360
# Valiant                                      18.1       6.0          225
# Duster 360                                   14.3       8.0          360
# Merc 240D                                    24.4       4.0        146.7
# Merc 230                                     22.8       4.0        140.8
# Merc 280                                     19.2       6.0        167.6
# ...
#                                                                    Page 1 of 2
#                                  Listing 2.0
#                       MTCARS Data Listing with Page Wrap
# Vehicle                              Horsepower Weight  Quarter Mile Time
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mazda RX4                                   110   2.62              16.46
# Mazda RX4 Wag                               110  2.875              17.02
# Datsun 710                                   93   2.32              18.61
# Hornet 4 Drive                              110  3.215              19.44
# Hornet Sportabout                           175   3.44              17.02
# Valiant                                     105   3.46              20.22
# Duster 360                                  245   3.57              15.84
# Merc 240D                                    62   3.19                 20
# Merc 230                                     95   3.15               22.9
# Merc 280                                    123   3.44               18.3
# ...
#                                                                    Page 2 of 2

Adds a footnote block


The footnotes function adds one or more footnotes to the report. If added to the report specification, the footnotes will be added to the page template, and thus appear on each page of the report. Footnotes may also be added directly to table, text, or plot content.


  align = "left",
  blank_row = "above",
  borders = "none",
  valign = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  footer = FALSE,
  italics = FALSE,
  columns = 1



The object to assign footnotes to.


A set of footnote strings.


The position to align the footnotes. Valid values are: 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'centre'.


Whether to print a blank row above or below the footnote. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'. Default is 'above'.


Whether to print a border above or below the footnote. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'outside', 'inside', 'all', or 'none'. Default is 'none'. For fixed width reports, the border character will be taken from the value of the uchar parameter on the options_fixed function. The 'left', 'right', 'outside', and 'inside' border specifications only apply to RTF, HTML, PDF, and DOCX reports.


The vertical position to align the footnotes. Valid values are: 'top' and 'bottom'. For footnotes attached to a report, default is 'bottom'. For footnotes attached to content, default is 'top'.


The width of the footnotes block. If the footnotes are attached to the report, valid values are 'page' or a numeric width, and the default is 'page'. If the footnotes are attached to the table, plot, or text content, the valid values are 'page', 'content' or a numeric value, and the default is 'content'. The value 'content' means the footnotes will be aligned to the width of the table, plot, or text content. The value 'page' means the footnotes will be aligned to the width of the page. In addition to these two convenience settings, you may also specify a specific width in the current unit of measure. The unit of measure is determined by the 'units' parameter on create_report.


Whether to put the footnotes in the page footer. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Default is FALSE. This parameter only works with RTF and DOCX output types. It also only applies to footnotes assigned to the report object. Footnotes in the page footer will appear on every page, and be the same throughout the report.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the footnote text shoud be in italics font. If TRUE, the entire footnote will be in italics.


The number of columns for the foonote block. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3. Default is 1. If this parameter is set to 2, the footnote block will be split into two columns, each aligned to the outside. If this parameter is set to 3, the title block will be split into 3 columns, with the outer columns aligned to the outside and the middle column aligned center. Footnotes are assigned to cells from top left to bottom right.


The footnotes function accepts a set of strings of the desired footnote text. The footnotes may be aligned center, left or right using the align parameter. The user is responsible for adding desired footnote symbols. Footnote symbols will not be generated automatically.

If footnotes are assigned to the report, alignment will be oriented to the page body. If footnotes are assigned to a table or text, alignment will be oriented to the edge of the content.

One footnote function accepts up to 25 footnotes. However, multiple footnote blocks may be added to the same object.

Blank rows above or below the footnote block may be controlled using the blank_row parameter.

Each footnote string must fit within the available space. The reporter package will not wrap footnotes on fixed-width reports. If a footnote does not fit within the available space, a warning will be generated and the footnote will be truncated. In these situations, either shorten the footnote or split it into multiple footnotes that each fit within the available space.


The modified report.

See Also

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "expenses.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- data.frame(category = rownames(USPersonalExpenditure),
                  USPersonalExpenditure, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  titles("Table 1.0", "US Personal Expenditures from 1940 - 1960") %>% 
  column_defaults(from = X1940, to = X1960, width = .6, format = "$%.2f") %>%
  define(category, label = "Category") %>% 
  define(X1940, label = "1940") %>% 
  define(X1945, label = "1945") %>% 
  define(X1950, label = "1950") %>% 
  define(X1955, label = "1955") %>% 
  define(X1960, label = "1960") %>% 
  footnotes("* In billions of dollars")

# Define report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%

# Write the report

# Display in console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                               Table 1.0
#               US Personal Expenditures from 1940 - 1960
#     Category                1940    1945    1950    1955    1960
#     ------------------------------------------------------------
#     Food and Tobacco      $22.20  $44.50  $59.60  $73.20  $86.80
#     Household Operation   $10.50  $15.50  $29.00  $36.50  $46.20
#     Medical and Health     $3.53   $5.76   $9.71  $14.00  $21.10
#     Personal Care          $1.04   $1.98   $2.45   $3.40   $5.40
#     Private Education      $0.34   $0.97   $1.80   $2.60   $3.64
#     * In billions of dollars

Creates a footnote attribute


The ftn function creates a footnote attribute, which may be attached as an attribute to a data frame and passed into create_table. This function is used internally to the system.


  align = "left",
  blank_row = "above",
  borders = "none",
  valign = NULL,
  width = NULL



A vector of footnote strings.


The position to align the footnotes. Valid values are: 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'centre'.


Whether to print a blank row above or below the footnote. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'. Default is 'above'.


Whether to print a border above or below the footnote. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'outside', 'inside', 'all', or 'none'. Default is 'none'.


The vertical position to align the footnotes. Valid values are: 'top' and 'bottom'.


The width of the footnotes block.


The footnote attribute object.

See Also

footnotes to create a footnote.

Other attributes: span(), ttl()

Get a theme


This function will return a style object for a specified theme. There are currently seven themes available. The returned object may be modifed and applied to a report using add_style.





A string that contains the desired theme name to return. Valid values are "MidnightBlue", "SteelBlue", "DarkRed", "SeaGreen", "SlateGrey", "Plain", and "SASDefault".

See Also

Other styles: add_style(), create_style(), print.style_spec()



# Get theme
tm <- get_theme("SteelBlue")

# View theme settings
## A style specification: 
#- font_name: 'Arial'
#- font_size: 10
#- text_color: 'DimGrey'
#- title_font_size: 11
#- title_font_bold: TRUE
#- title_font_color: 'SteelBlue'
#- border_color: 'Grey'
#- table_header_background: 'SteelBlue'
#- table_header_font_bold: TRUE
#- table_header_font_color: 'LightGrey'
#- table_body_background: 'White'
#- table_body_stripe: 'WhiteSmoke'
#- table_stub_background: 'SteelBlue'
#- table_stub_font_color: 'LightGrey'
#- table_stub_font_bold: TRUE

# Modify theme
tm$font_size <- 12
tm$title_font_size <- 13

# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "HairAndEyes.html")

# Get data
dat <-

# Create table object
tbl <- create_table(dat[dat$Freq >= 10, ], 
borders = "outside") %>% 
titles("Hair and Eye Colors")

# Use modified theme
rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "HTML") %>% 
       add_content(tbl) %>% 

# Write out the report        

# Uncomment to View report

Functions to format the population label


These functions are used to format the "N=" population label on column headers.








Population count


Which function to use to format the population label is specified on the n_format parameter on the create_table function. These formatting functions provide several options for formatting the "N=", including whether the "N" should be upper case or lower case, and whether or not to put the value in parentheses. If one of these options does not meet the specifications for your report, you may also write your own formatting function and pass it to the n_format function. When an N value is supplied, the output of this function will be concatenated to the header label.

See Also

create_table function to create a table.


# Create test data
l <- "Label"
n <- 47

cat(paste0(l, lowcase_parens(n)))
# Label
# (n=47)

cat(paste0(l, upcase_parens(n)))
# Label
# (N=47)

cat(paste0(l, lowcase_n(n)))
# Label
# n=47

cat(paste0(l, upcase_n(n)))
# Label
# N=47

customN <- function(n) {
  return(paste0(": N=", n))
cat(paste0(l, customN(n)))
# Label: N=47

## Use alternate n format ##

tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")

# Prepare data
df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '
      Hair  Group1  Group2
      Black    25      16
      Brown    13      18
      Blonde   5        7
      Red      2        1')
# Create table with lowcase n formatting
tbl <- create_table(df, n_format=lowcase_n) %>% 
       titles("Hair Color") %>% 
       define(Group1, n = 45) %>% 
       define(Group2, n = 42)

# Create report
rpt <- create_report(tmp) %>% 
       add_content(tbl, align = "left")
# Write to file system

#      Hair Color
#        Group1 Group2
# Hair     n=45   n=42
# ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
# Black      25     16
# Brown      13     18
# Blonde      5      7
# Red         2      1

Set options for a fixed-width report


This function sets the options for a report with a fixed width font.


  editor = NULL,
  cpuom = NULL,
  lpuom = NULL,
  min_margin = NULL,
  blank_margins = FALSE,
  font_size = NULL,
  line_size = NULL,
  line_count = NULL,
  uchar = "¯"



The report spec.


The expected text editor to use for printing text reports. Assigning this parameter will set the cpuom and lpuom parameters appropriately for the text editor. Valid values are 'notepad', 'word', 'wordpad', 'notepad++', and 'editplus'. If the editor parameter is used, any settings for cpuom and lpuom will be ignored. It is not necessary to set this parameter for RTF and PDF reports.


Characters per unit of measure of printed text. If units is inches, the default is 12. If units is centimeters (cm), the default is 4.687. This value will be used to determine how many characters can fit on a line.


Lines per unit of measure of the printed text. Default for inches is 6. The default for centimeters (cm) is 2.55. This value will be used to determine the number of lines that can fit on a page.


The editor minimum margin. This parameter normally defaults to 0, but may be set for some types of editors.


When this option is TRUE, reporter will use blank spaces and blank rows to create left and top margins, rather than rely on the editor to set margins. When used, editor margins should be set to zero. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Default is FALSE. This option is only valid for output_type = 'TXT'.


The size of the font in points. Default is 10pt. This option is only valid for output types RTF and PDF. Valid values are 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.


The number of characters that will fit on a line. Normally, the line_size is calculated based on the page size, font size, and cpuom. You can override the calculated value by setting the line_size directly.


The number of lines that will fit on page. Normally, the line_count is calculated based on the page size, font size, and lpuom. You can override the calculated value by setting the line_count directly.


The character to use for underlines on the table header and spanning headers. Default is a Unicode macron character #U00AF. You may use a dash or underscore if your editor does not support Unicode. The uchar is forced to a dash for PDF output, as the LaTeX converter does not support the macron character.


The options_fixed function sets options for reports with a fixed-width, monospace font. These reports are based off a text report, but may be output as type "RTF" or "PDF".


The updated report spec.

Text Reports

The options_fixed function sets the characters per unit of measure (cpuom) and lines per unit of measure (lpuom) settings for the report. These settings determine how many characters and lines will fit within one unit of measure (uom), as specified on the create_report function. These settings are important to ensure the report content stays within the available page size and margins. Because every editor allows a different number of characters and lines on a page, these settings must be adjusted depending on the editor.

The options_fixed function provides a shortcut editor parameter to directly specify a popular editor. If this parameter is specified, the function will set the characters per unit of measure and lines per unit of measure for you. If the editor is not available in the editor parameter selections, for best results, you should set the cpuom and lpuom parameters manually. To determine your cpuom and lpuom, see the help for write_registration_file.

Alternatively, using the options_fixed function, you may set the line_size and line_count directly. Note that the line_size and line_count may be different for different output types and editors.

The min_margin parameter is used to set the minimum margin allowed by the editor. This value will be subtracted from the margin settings when the blank_margins option is used. It is useful for editors that do not calculate margins from the edge of the page.

As some editors do not support Unicode characters, it may be necessary to change the character used for the header and spanning header underlines. The default character is a Unicode #U00AF macron. The macron is sometimes referred to as an "overline", since it is located at the top of the character area. If your editor does not support Unicode, the macron will not be displayed properly. In this case, change the underline character to a dash ("-") or an underscore ("_") using the uchar parameter.

RTF and PDF Reports

For RTF and PDF reports, most of the parameters on the options_fixed function do not apply. For RTF and PDF reports, these parameters will be set automatically, and cannot be changed.

Some of the options_fixed function apply only to RTF and PDF. In particular, the font_size parameter applies only to RTF and PDF reports. Valid font size options are 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. The font size may also be set on the create_report function.

See Also

create_report to create a report and set the unit of measure, write_registration_file to determine the characters and lines per unit of measure manually.

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "bod.txt")

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(BOD, width = 2.5) %>% 
  titles("Table 3.6", "BOD* Sample Report") %>% 
  define(Time, format = "Day %s", align = "left") %>% 
  define(demand, format = "%2.1f mg/l", label = "Demand") %>% 
  footnotes("* Biochemical Oxygen Demand")
# Define report #1 - No blank margins
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#           Table 3.6
#       BOD* Sample Report
# Time                  Demand
# ----------------------------
# Day 1               8.3 mg/l
# Day 2              10.3 mg/l
# Day 3              19.0 mg/l
# Day 4              16.0 mg/l
# Day 5              15.6 mg/l
# Day 7              19.8 mg/l
# * Biochemical Oxygen Demand

# Define report #2 - blank margins
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%
  options_fixed(blank_margins = TRUE) %>% 
  set_margins(top = .5, left = 1) %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                       Table 3.6
#                   BOD* Sample Report
#              Time                  Demand
#              ----------------------------
#              Day 1               8.3 mg/l
#              Day 2              10.3 mg/l
#              Day 3              19.0 mg/l
#              Day 4              16.0 mg/l
#              Day 5              15.6 mg/l
#              Day 7              19.8 mg/l
#              * Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Adds a page by variable


The page_by function adds a page by variable to a report, table, or plot. The page by will generate a page break for each value of the page by variable. A label will appear above the content showing the page by variable value. You must be sort the data by the page by variable prior to reporting.


  label = NULL,
  align = "left",
  blank_row = "below",
  borders = "none",
  format = NULL



The report specification to assign the page by to.


The page by variable. There can be only one page by per report, and one page by variable. The page by can be passed either quoted or unquoted.


A label to be used as a prefix to the page by variable value. By default, the label will be assigned to the variable name. Alternatively, you may specify a string value to use for the label.


How to align the page by. Default value is 'left'. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'centre'.


Indicates whether a blank row is desired above or below the page by. Default value is 'none'. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'.


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'all', 'outside', or 'none'. Default is "none". The 'left' and 'right' border specifications only apply to RTF, HTML, PDF, and DOCX reports.


The format to use for the page by column data. The format can be a string format, a formatting function, a lookup list, a user-defined format, or a formatting list. All formatting is performed by the fapply function from the fmtr package. For a list of common formatting codes, see FormattingStrings.


Only one page by is allowed per report, table, or plot. The page by label will appear on all pages of the object. The page by label may be aligned on the left, right, or center. Use the align parameter to specify the alignment.

You must sort the data by the page by variable prior to reporting. The page by labels will appear in the sorted order. Failure to sort the page by variable prior to reporting may produce unexpected results.

See Also

create_table to create a table, and create_plot to create a plot.

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "iris.txt")

# Sample and sort iris data frame
dat <- iris[sample(1:150, 50), ]
dat <- dat[order(dat$Species), ]

# Create table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  page_by(Species, "Species: ") %>%  
  define(Species, visible = FALSE)
# Create the report object
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait") %>% 
  page_header("Sponsor: Iris Society", "Study: flowers") %>% 
  titles("Table 2.0", "IRIS Sample Report with Page By") %>% 
  add_content(tbl) %>% 
  page_footer(Sys.time(), right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")

# Write the report to the file system

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

# Sponsor: Iris Society                                           Study: flowers
#                                  Table 2.0
#                       IRIS Sample Report with Page By
#              Species: setosa
#              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#              -------------------------------------------------
#                       5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4
#                       4.9         3.1          1.5         0.1
#                       4.8         3.1          1.6         0.2
#                       5.1         3.5          1.4         0.3
#                         5         3.5          1.6         0.6
#                         5         3.3          1.4         0.2
#                       4.4           3          1.3         0.2
#                       5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2
#                       5.4         3.4          1.5         0.4
#                       4.9         3.6          1.4         0.1
#                       4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2
#                       4.6         3.2          1.4         0.2
#                       5.1         3.3          1.7         0.5
# ...
# 2020-10-25 19:33:35                                                Page 1 of 3
# Sponsor: Iris Society                                           Study: flowers
#                                  Table 2.0
#                       IRIS Sample Report with Page By
#              Species: versicolor
#              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#              -------------------------------------------------
#                       4.9         2.4          3.3           1
#                       6.3         3.3          4.7         1.6
#                       6.1         2.8          4.7         1.2
#                         6         2.9          4.5         1.5
#                       6.7           3            5         1.7
#                       5.6           3          4.5         1.5
#                       5.8         2.7          4.1           1
#                       6.7         3.1          4.7         1.5
#                       6.1         2.9          4.7         1.4
#                         5           2          3.5           1
#                       5.9         3.2          4.8         1.8
#                       5.5         2.5            4         1.3
#                         7         3.2          4.7         1.4
#                       6.3         2.3          4.4         1.3
#                       6.1         2.8            4         1.3
#                         6         2.2            4           1
#                       5.5         2.6          4.4         1.2
#                         6         3.4          4.5         1.6
#                         5         2.3          3.3           1
#                       5.5         2.4          3.7           1
# ...
# 2020-10-25 19:33:35                                                Page 2 of 3
# Sponsor: Iris Society                                           Study: flowers
#                                  Table 2.0
#                       IRIS Sample Report with Page By
#              Species: versicolor
#              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#              -------------------------------------------------
#                       6.3         3.4          5.6         2.4
#                       7.9         3.8          6.4           2
#                       6.7         3.1          5.6         2.4
#                       6.2         2.8          4.8         1.8
#                       6.7         3.3          5.7         2.5
#                       6.2         3.4          5.4         2.3
#                       5.6         2.8          4.9           2
#                       7.7         3.8          6.7         2.2
#                       7.7         2.6          6.9         2.3
#                       6.9         3.1          5.4         2.1
#                       6.5         3.2          5.1           2
#                       6.1         2.6          5.6         1.4
#                       5.7         2.5            5           2
#                       6.5           3          5.8         2.2
#                       6.3         2.8          5.1         1.5
#                       7.6           3          6.6         2.1
#                       6.3         2.5            5         1.9
# ...
# 2020-10-25 19:33:35                                                Page 3 of 3

Prints the plot spec


A function to print the plot spec. The print function will print the plot spec in summary form. To view all parameters, set the verbose parameter to TRUE.


## S3 method for class 'plot_spec'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The plot spec.


Additional parameters to pass to the underlying print function.


Whether to print in verbose form. Default is FALSE.


The plot spec, invisibly.

See Also

create_plot function to create a plot specification.

Other plot: create_plot()


txt <- create_text("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...")

# A text specification:
# - text: data.frame 'mtcars' 32 rows 11 cols

Prints the report specification


A function to print the report specification. The print function will print the report spec in summary form by default. To print in list form, set the verbose parameter to TRUE.


## S3 method for class 'report_spec'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The report spec.


Additional parameters to pass to the underlying print function.


Whether to print the report object in verbose (list) form or summary form. The default is FALSE.


The report spec, invisibly.

See Also

create_report function to create a report specification.

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")

# Create the table
tbl <- create_table(mtcars) %>% 
  titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS Sample Report") %>% 
  footnotes("* NOTE: Data from 1974")

# Create the report object
rpt <- create_report(tmp) %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report to the file system
res <- write_report(rpt)

# Write the modified report object to the console

# # A report specification: 1 pages
# - file_path: 'C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWQybXs/mtcars.txt'
# - output_type: TXT
# - units: inches
# - orientation: landscape
# - line size/count: 108/45
# - content: 
# # A table specification:
# - data: data.frame 'mtcars' 32 rows 11 cols
# - show_cols: all
# - use_attributes: all
# - title 1: 'Table 1.0'
# - title 2: 'MTCARS Sample Report'
# - footnote 1: '* NOTE: Data from 1974'

Prints a style specification


This function will print a style object to the console. The print function will display each style setting that has been assigned, and the value which is assigned.


## S3 method for class 'style_spec'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



A style object to print.


Any follow-on parameters to pass to print().


If verbose is TRUE, the function will print the style object as a list. Otherwise, the object will print using the custom print function. The custom print is more compact than the verbose style print. Default is FALSE.

See Also

Other styles: add_style(), create_style(), get_theme()



# Get theme
tm <- get_theme("SteelBlue")

# View theme settings
## A style specification: 
#- font_name: 'Arial'
#- font_size: 10
#- text_color: 'DimGrey'
#- title_font_size: 11
#- title_font_bold: TRUE
#- title_font_color: 'SteelBlue'
#- border_color: 'Grey'
#- table_header_background: 'SteelBlue'
#- table_header_font_bold: TRUE
#- table_header_font_color: 'LightGrey'
#- table_body_background: 'White'
#- table_body_stripe: 'WhiteSmoke'
#- table_stub_background: 'SteelBlue'
#- table_stub_font_color: 'LightGrey'
#- table_stub_font_bold: TRUE

Prints the table spec


A function to print the table spec. The print function will print the table spec in summary form. To view all parameters, set the verbose parameter to TRUE.


## S3 method for class 'table_spec'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The table spec.


Additional parameters to pass to the underlying print function.


Whether to print in verbose form, which is similar to a list. Default is FALSE, which prints in summary form.


The table spec, invisibly.

See Also

create_table function to create a table specification.

Other table: column_defaults(), create_table(), define(), spanning_header(), stub()



# Create Table
tbl <- create_table(mtcars) %>% 
  define(mpg, label = "Miles Per Gallon", width = .5) %>% 
  define(cyl, label = "Cylinders") %>% 
  titles("Table 6.4", "MTCARS Sample Table") %>% 
  footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974")

# A table specification:
# - data: data.frame 'mtcars' 32 rows 11 cols
# - show_cols: all
# - use_attributes: all
# - title 1: 'Table 6.4'
# - title 2: 'MTCARS Sample Table'
# - footnote 1: '* Motor Trend, 1974'
# - define: mpg 'Miles Per Gallon' width=0.5 
# - define: cyl 'Cylinders'

Prints the text spec


A function to print the text spec. The print function will print the text spec in summary form. To view all parameters, set the verbose parameter to TRUE.


## S3 method for class 'text_spec'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The text spec.


Additional parameters to pass to the underlying print function.


Whether to print in verbose form. Default is FALSE.


The text spec, invisibly.

See Also

create_text function to create a text specification.

Other text: create_text()


txt <- create_text("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...",
                   align = "left", width = 3)

# A text specification: 6 words
# - text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...
# - width: 3
# - align: left

Set page margins


Sets the page margins for the report. The units for this parameter can be inches or centimeters, depending on the units of measure specified on the create_report function.


set_margins(x, top = NULL, bottom = NULL, left = NULL, right = NULL)



The report spec object.


The top margin.


The bottom margin.


The left margin.


The right margin.


The margins set with set_margins will be used for the entire report. Units for the margins are specified by the units parameter on the create_report function. Available units are 'inches' and 'cm'. When the unit of measure is inches, default margins are 1 inch on the left and right, and .5 inches on top and bottom. When the unit of measure is centimeters, default margins are 2.54 cm on left and right, and 1.27 cm on top and bottom.

Note that when using output type of TXT, and not using the blank_margins option, setting the margins only reduces the area available for content on a page. You must still set the actual margins on the available editor to match those specified in set_margins. Any mismatch may result in content not fitting properly on the page. For best results, set the right and bottom margins to zero to allow for slight overflow without causing a page break or wrapping lines.


The report_spec with margins set as desired.

See Also

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), title_header(), titles(), write_report()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "bod.txt")

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(BOD, width = 2.5) %>% 
  titles("Table 3.6", "BOD¹ Sample Report") %>% 
  define(Time, format = "Day %s", align = "left") %>% 
  define(demand, format = "%2.1f mg/l", label = "Demand") %>% 
  footnotes("¹ Biochemical Oxygen Demand")
# Define report #1 - No blank margins
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#           Table 3.6
#       BOD* Sample Report
# Time                  Demand
# ----------------------------
# Day 1               8.3 mg/l
# Day 2              10.3 mg/l
# Day 3              19.0 mg/l
# Day 4              16.0 mg/l
# Day 5              15.6 mg/l
# Day 7              19.8 mg/l
# * Biochemical Oxygen Demand

# Define report #2 - blank margins
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%
  options_fixed(blank_margins = TRUE) %>% 
  set_margins(top = .5, left = 1) %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report

# Write report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                       Table 3.6
#                   BOD* Sample Report
#              Time                  Demand
#              ----------------------------
#              Day 1               8.3 mg/l
#              Day 2              10.3 mg/l
#              Day 3              19.0 mg/l
#              Day 4              16.0 mg/l
#              Day 5              15.6 mg/l
#              Day 7              19.8 mg/l
#              * Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Defines a spanning header attribute


Create a spanning header attribute object that can be attached to a data frame and passed to the create_table function. This attribute is used internally by other packages in the r-sassy system.


  label = NULL,
  label_align = "center",
  level = 1,
  underline = TRUE



The starting column to span. Spanning columns are defined as range of columns 'from' and 'to'. The columns may be identified by position, or by quoted or unquoted variable names. The from parameter is required.


The ending column to span. Spanning columns are defined as range of columns 'from' and 'to'. The columns may be identified by position, or by quoted or unquoted variable names. The to parameter is required.


The label to apply to the spanning header.


The alignment to use for the label. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre". The default for spanning columns is "center".


The level to use for the spanning header. The lowest spanning level is level 1, the next level above is level 2, and so on. By default, the level is set to 1.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the spanning header should be underlined. Default is TRUE.


A spanning header is a label and underline that spans one or more columns. A spanning header is defined minimally by identifying the column range to be spanned, and a label. A label alignment may also be supplied.

The spanning column range is defined by the from and to parameters. The range identifies a contiguous set of variables on the data. Variables can be identified by position, a quoted variable name, or an unquoted variable name.


The spanning header attribute object.

See Also

Other attributes: ftn(), ttl()

Defines a spanning header


Create a header that spans multiple columns. Spanning headers are used to group related columns. Such groupings are a common feature of statistical reports.


  label = "",
  label_align = "center",
  level = 1,
  n = NULL,
  underline = TRUE,
  bold = FALSE,
  standard_eval = FALSE



The table object to add spanning headers to.


The starting column to span. Spanning columns are defined as range of columns 'from' and 'to'. The columns may be identified by position, or by quoted or unquoted variable names. If you want to pass the from value using an R variable, set the standard_eval parameter to TRUE. The from parameter is required.


The ending column to span. Spanning columns are defined as range of columns 'from' and 'to'. The columns may be identified by position, or by quoted or unquoted variable names. If you want to pass the to value using an R variable, set the standard_eval parameter to TRUE. The to parameter is required.


The label to apply to the spanning header.


The alignment to use for the label. Valid values are "left", "right", "center", and "centre". The default for spanning columns is "center".


The level to use for the spanning header. The lowest spanning level is level 1, the next level above is level 2, and so on. By default, the level is set to 1.


The population count to use for the "N=" label on the spanning header. The "N=" label will be formatted according to the n_format parameter on the create_table function.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the spanning header should be underlined. Default is TRUE.


A TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the spanning header label should be bold. Default is FALSE.


A TRUE or FALSE value that indicates whether to use standard or non-standard evaluation of the from, and to parameters. Set standard_eval to TRUE if you want to pass the column names as variables. Default is FALSE, meaning it will use non-standard (unquoted) evaluation.


A spanning header is a label and underline that spans one or more columns. A spanning header is defined minimally by identifying the column range to be spanned, and a label. A label alignment and "N=" value may also be supplied.

The spanning column range is defined by the from and to parameters. The range identifies a contiguous set of variables on the data. Variables can be identified by position, a quoted variable name, or an unquoted variable name.


The modified table spec.

See Also

Other table: column_defaults(), create_table(), define(), print.table_spec(), stub()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "iris.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- iris[sample(1:150, 15), c(5, 1, 2, 3, 4)]
dat <- dat[order(dat$Species), ]

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  titles("Table 3.2", "IRIS Sample Report") %>% 
  spanning_header(2, 3, label = "Sepal") %>% 
  spanning_header(4, 5, label = "Petal") %>% 
  column_defaults(2:5, format = "%.1f") %>% 
  define(Species, align = "left", dedupe = TRUE, blank_after = TRUE) %>% 
  define(Sepal.Length, label = "Length") %>% 
  define(Sepal.Width, label = "Width") %>% 
  define(Petal.Length, label = "Length") %>% 
  define(Petal.Width, label = "Width") %>% 
  footnotes("* From Fisher's Iris Dataset")
# Define report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%
  options_fixed(blank_margins = TRUE) %>% 
  set_margins(top = 1, bottom =1) %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report

writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                      Table 3.2
#                  IRIS Sample Report
#                       Sepal        Petal
#                   ------------ ------------
#       Species     Length Width Length Width
#       -------------------------------------
#       setosa         5.0   3.0    1.6   0.2
#                      4.6   3.4    1.4   0.3
#                      5.0   3.4    1.6   0.4
#                      5.7   3.8    1.7   0.3
#       versicolor     5.7   2.8    4.1   1.3
#                      6.2   2.9    4.3   1.3
#                      7.0   3.2    4.7   1.4
#                      6.6   2.9    4.6   1.3
#       virginica      6.2   3.4    5.4   2.3
#                      7.2   3.0    5.8   1.6
#                      6.9   3.1    5.1   2.3
#                      5.6   2.8    4.9   2.0
#                      7.7   2.6    6.9   2.3
#                      6.3   2.8    5.1   1.5
#                      7.7   2.8    6.7   2.0
#       * From Fisher's Iris Dataset

Defines a report stub


Combine columns into a nested report stub. The report stub is a common feature of statistical reports. The stub is created with the stub function, and frequently appears in combination with the label_row and indent parameters from the define function. These elements work together to define the appearance of the stub.


  label = "",
  label_align = NULL,
  align = "left",
  width = NULL,
  standard_eval = FALSE,
  style = NULL



The table spec.


A vector of quoted or unquoted variable names from which to create the stub. If you want to pass an R variable of names, escape the values with double curly braces, i.e. vars = {{myvar}}. The curly brace escape is useful when writing functions that construct reports dynamically.


The label for the report stub. The default label is an empty string.


The alignment for the stub column label. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center', and 'centre'. Default follows the align parameter.


How to align the stub column. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center', and 'centre'. Default is 'left'.


The width of the stub, in report units of measure.


A TRUE or FALSE value that indicates whether to use standard or non-standard evaluation of the vars, from, and to parameters. Set standard_eval to TRUE if you want to pass the column names as variables. Default is FALSE, meaning it will use non-standard (unquoted) evaluation.


A cell_style object that contains the style specifications for the stub.


The table stub is a nested set of labels that identify rows on the table. The stub is created by combining two or more columns into a single stub column. The relationship between the columns is typically visualized as a hierarchy, with lower level concepts indented under higher level concepts.

A typical stub is created with the following steps:

  • Prepare the data.

  • Create the table object.

  • Define the stub on the table using the stub function, and identify the variables to be combined.

  • Identify higher level concepts with the label_row parameter on the define function.

  • Identify lower level concepts using the indent parameter on the define function.

The stub will be automatically added as an identity variable on the report, and will always appear as the leftmost column. There can only be one stub defined on a report.

If you wish to create multiple levels of nested labels, use an NA value to prevent lower level labels from overwriting higher level labels.

For example, the following data:

continent          country   state_province    
"North America"    NA        NA   
"North America"    "Canada"  NA   
"North America"    "Canada"  "Ontario"   
"North America"    "USA"     NA   
"North America"    "USA"     "New York"   
"South America"    NA        NA   
"South America"    "Brazil"  NA   
"South America"    "Brazil"  "Amazonas"   
"South America"    "Brazil"  "Bahia"   

Will produce the following stub:

North America   
    New York   
South America  

With the following code:

tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  stub(c(continent, country, state_province)) %>% 
  define(country, indent = .25) %>% 
  define(state_province, indent = .5)


The modified table spec.

See Also

Other table: column_defaults(), create_table(), define(), print.table_spec(), spanning_header()



# Create temporary path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "stub.txt")

# Read in prepared data
df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '
      var      label        A             B          
      "ampg"   "N"          "19"          "13"         
      "ampg"   "Mean"       "18.8 (6.5)"  "22.0 (4.9)" 
      "ampg"   "Median"     "16.4"        "21.4"       
      "ampg"   "Q1 - Q3"    "15.1 - 21.2" "19.2 - 22.8"
      "ampg"   "Range"      "10.4 - 33.9" "14.7 - 32.4"
      "cyl"    "8 Cylinder" "10 ( 52.6%)" "4 ( 30.8%)" 
      "cyl"    "6 Cylinder" "4 ( 21.1%)"  "3 ( 23.1%)" 
      "cyl"    "4 Cylinder" "5 ( 26.3%)"  "6 ( 46.2%)"')

# Create table
tbl <- create_table(df, first_row_blank = TRUE) %>% 
  stub(c(var, label)) %>% 
  define(var, blank_after = TRUE, label_row = TRUE, 
         format = c(ampg = "Miles Per Gallon", cyl = "Cylinders")) %>% 
  define(label, indent = .25) %>% 
  define(A, label = "Group A", align = "center", n = 19) %>% 
  define(B, label = "Group B", align = "center", n = 13)

# Create report and add content
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait") %>% 
  page_header(left = "Client: Motor Trend", right = "Study: Cars") %>% 
  titles("Table 1.0", "MTCARS Summary Table") %>% 
  add_content(tbl) %>% 
  footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974") %>%
  page_footer(left = Sys.time(), 
              center = "Confidential", 
              right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")

# Write out report

# View report in console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

# Client: Motor Trend                                                Study: Cars
#                                   Table 1.0
#                              MTCARS Summary Table
#                                     Group A      Group B
#                                      (N=19)       (N=13)
#                 -------------------------------------------
#                 Miles Per Gallon
#                    N                   19           13
#                    Mean            18.8 (6.5)   22.0 (4.9)
#                    Median             16.4         21.4
#                    Q1 - Q3        15.1 - 21.2  19.2 - 22.8
#                    Range          10.4 - 33.9  14.7 - 32.4
#                 Cylinders
#                    8 Cylinder     10 ( 52.6%)   4 ( 30.8%)
#                    6 Cylinder      4 ( 21.1%)   3 ( 23.1%)
#                    4 Cylinder      5 ( 26.3%)   6 ( 46.2%)
# ...
# * Motor Trend, 1974
# 2020-08-30 03:50:02              Confidential                      Page 1 of 1

Adds a title header block


This function adds a title header to an object. A title header is a special type of title layout that has titles on the left and header information on the right.


  right = "",
  blank_row = "below",
  borders = "none",
  width = NULL



The object to assign titles to. Valid objects are a report, table, text, or plot specification.


A set of title strings.


A set of header strings to be shown on the right side of the title header. Pass the header strings as a vector of strings.


Where to place a blank row. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'. Default is 'below'.


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'outside', 'inside', 'all', or 'none'. Default is 'none'. The 'left', 'right', 'outside', and 'inside' border specifications only apply to RTF, HTML, PDF and DOCX reports.


The width of the title header. If the title header is attached to the report, valid values are 'page' or a numeric width, and the default is 'page'. If the title header is attached to the table, plot, or text content, the valid values are 'page', 'content' or a numeric value, and the default is 'content'. The value 'content' means the footnotes will be aligned to the width of the table, plot, or text content. The value 'page' means the footnotes will be aligned to the width of the page. In addition to these two convenience settings, you may also specify a specific width in the current units of measure. The units of measure is determined by the 'units' parameter on create_report.


The title_header function accepts a set of strings of the desired title text, and a vector of header strings. The titles will appear on the left of the title header, and the header strings on the right. To specify multiple titles for the block, pass them to the function as separate strings.

Title headers may be assigned to a report, a table, a text specification, or a plot. If assigned to the report, the title header will appear at the top of the page, and be repeated for every page of the report. If the title header is assigned to content, the titles will appear above the content, and be repeated if the content breaks to the next page.

One title header function accepts up to 10 titles. Blank rows above or below the title block may be controlled using the blank_row parameter.

Each title string must fit within the available space. The reporter package will not wrap titles on fixed-width reports. If a title does not fit within the available space, an error will be generated. In these situations, either shorten the title or split it into multiple titles that each fit within the available space.


The modified report.

See Also

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), titles(), write_report()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "expenses.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- data.frame(category = rownames(USPersonalExpenditure),
                  USPersonalExpenditure, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  title_header("Table 1.0", "US Personal Expenditures from 1940 - 1960",
               right = c("Page [pg] of [tpg]", "World Almanac")) %>% 
  column_defaults(from = X1940, to = X1960, width = .6, format = "$%.2f") %>%
  define(category, label = "Category") %>% 
  define(X1940, label = "1940") %>% 
  define(X1945, label = "1945") %>% 
  define(X1950, label = "1950") %>% 
  define(X1955, label = "1955") %>% 
  define(X1960, label = "1960") %>% 
  footnotes("* In billions of dollars")

# Define report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%

# Write the report

# Display in console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#     Table 1.0                                        Page 1 of 1
#     US Personal Expenditures from 1940 - 1960      World Almanac
#     Category                1940    1945    1950    1955    1960
#     ------------------------------------------------------------
#     Food and Tobacco      $22.20  $44.50  $59.60  $73.20  $86.80
#     Household Operation   $10.50  $15.50  $29.00  $36.50  $46.20
#     Medical and Health     $3.53   $5.76   $9.71  $14.00  $21.10
#     Personal Care          $1.04   $1.98   $2.45   $3.40   $5.40
#     Private Education      $0.34   $0.97   $1.80   $2.60   $3.64
#     * In billions of dollars

Adds a title block


This function adds one or more titles to an object as a title block. If added to a report, the titles will be added to the page template, and thus appear on each page of the report. Titles may also be added to a table, text, or plot object.


  align = "center",
  blank_row = "below",
  borders = "none",
  width = NULL,
  bold = FALSE,
  font_size = NULL,
  header = FALSE,
  columns = 1



The object to assign titles to. Valid objects are a report, or a table, text, or plot specification.


A set of title strings.


The position to align the titles. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center' or 'centre'. For titles, the default is 'center'.


Where to place a blank row. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'. Default is "below".


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'outside', 'inside', 'all', or 'none'. Default is "none". The 'left', 'right', 'outside', and 'inside' border specifications only apply to RTF, HTML, PDF and DOCX reports.


The width of the titles block. If the titles are attached to the report, valid values are 'page' or a numeric width, and the default is 'page'. If the titles are attached to the table, plot, or text content, the valid values are 'page', 'content' or a numeric value, and the default is 'content'. The value 'content' means the titles will be aligned to the width of the table, plot, or text content. The value 'page' means the titles will be aligned to the width of the page. In addition to these two convenience settings, you may also specify a specific width in the current units of measure. The units of measure is determined by the 'units' parameter on create_report.


A parameter to bold the titles. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Default is FALSE. This parameter only applies to variable-width RTF, HTML, PDF, and DOCX output types.


The font size to use for the title block. The font size of the report will be used by default. Valid values are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. This parameter only applies to variable-width RTF, HTML, PDF, and DOCX output types.


Whether to put the titles in the page header. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Default is FALSE. This option only works on the RTF and DOCX output types, and only applies to titles assigned to the report object. Titles in the page header will appear on every page, and be the same throughout the report.


The number of columns for the title block. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3. Default is 1. If this parameter is set to 2, the title block will be split into two columns, each aligned to the outside. If this parameter is set to 3, the title block will be split into 3 columns, with the outer columns aligned to the outside and the middle column aligned center. Titles are assigned to cells from top left to bottom right.


The titles function accepts a set of strings of the desired title text. To specify multiple titles for the block, pass them to the function as separate strings.

The titles may be aligned center, left or right using the align parameter. The alignment will be applied to all titles contained in the block. To control alignment of titles separately for each title, use multiple titles functions.

Titles may be assigned to a report, a table, a text specification, or a plot. If assigned to the report, the title will appear at the top of the page, and be repeated for every page of the report. If the titles are assigned to content, the titles will appear above the content, and be repeated if the content breaks to the next page.

If titles are assigned to the report, alignment will be oriented to the page body. If titles are assigned to content, alignment will be oriented to the edge of the content.

One title function accepts up to 10 titles. However, multiple title blocks may be added to the same object if needed.

Blank rows above or below the title block may be controlled using the blank_row parameter.

Each title string must fit within the available space. The reporter package will not wrap titles on fixed-width reports. If a title does not fit within the available space, a warning will be generated and the title will be truncated. In these situations, either shorten the title or split it into multiple titles that each fit within the available space.


The modified report.

See Also

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), write_report()



# Create a temporary file
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "expenses.txt")

# Prepare data
dat <- data.frame(category = rownames(USPersonalExpenditure),
                  USPersonalExpenditure, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Define table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  titles("Table 1.0", "US Personal Expenditures from 1940 - 1960") %>% 
  column_defaults(from = X1940, to = X1960, width = .6, format = "$%.2f") %>%
  define(category, label = "Category") %>% 
  define(X1940, label = "1940") %>% 
  define(X1945, label = "1945") %>% 
  define(X1950, label = "1950") %>% 
  define(X1955, label = "1955") %>% 
  define(X1960, label = "1960") %>% 
  footnotes("* In billions of dollars")

# Define report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation="portrait") %>%

# Write the report

# Display in console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))
#                               Table 1.0
#               US Personal Expenditures from 1940 - 1960
#     Category                1940    1945    1950    1955    1960
#     ------------------------------------------------------------
#     Food and Tobacco      $22.20  $44.50  $59.60  $73.20  $86.80
#     Household Operation   $10.50  $15.50  $29.00  $36.50  $46.20
#     Medical and Health     $3.53   $5.76   $9.71  $14.00  $21.10
#     Personal Care          $1.04   $1.98   $2.45   $3.40   $5.40
#     Private Education      $0.34   $0.97   $1.80   $2.60   $3.64
#     * In billions of dollars

Creates a title attribute


This function creates a titles attribute, which can be used to define titles by attaching as an attribute to a data frame. This function is used internally to the system.


  align = "center",
  blank_row = "below",
  borders = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  bold = FALSE,
  font_size = NULL



A vector of title strings.


The position to align the titles. Valid values are 'left', 'right', 'center' or 'centre'. For titles, the default is 'center'.


Where to place a blank row. Valid values are 'above', 'below', 'both', or 'none'. Default is "below".


Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'outside', 'inside', 'all', or 'none'. Default is "none".


The width of the titles block.


A parameter to bold the titles. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Default is FALSE.


The font size to use for the title block. The font size of the report will be used by default. Valid values are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.


A title attribute object.

See Also

titles function.

Other attributes: ftn(), span()

Create a registration file


This function will create a registration file to help determine the correct cpuom and lpuom for your editor/printer.





The full or relative file name and path to create the registration file.


The cpi and lpi are used in output_type = "TXT" to determine available space on the page. The registration file can help determine the correct settings for the target text editor and printer. Failure to set the correct characters per unit of measure (cpuom) and lines per unit of measure (lpuom) may result in misalignment of content on the page when printing text output.

How to Use the Registration File

To use the registration file, first decide the units of measure you wish to use, inches or centimeters. Next, create the registration file by calling the write_registration_file function. Then print the registration file.

Once the registration file is printed, take a ruler and measure both the horizontal and vertical registration lines from zero to 60 in the desired units of measure. For example, if your units of measure is 'inches', measure the registration lines in inches.

Record the distance measured in each direction. For each direction, divide 60 by the distance measured, and round to three decimal places. The horizontal result is the characters per unit of measure (cpuom). The vertical result is the lines per unit of measure (lpuom). To get an accurate printing of text reports, assign these values to the cpuom and lpuom parameters on the options_fixed function.

For best results, test the calculated values by printing some reports and checking for undesired page breaks or wrapped lines. If necessary, adjust the calculated cpuom and lpuom values until all content stays within the available space without wrapping or breaking.



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "reg.txt")

# Create the registration file 

# Write registration file to the console

# 0--------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
# -       10        20        30        40        50        60
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# + 10
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# + 20
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# + 30
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# + 40
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# + 50
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# + 60

Write a report to the file system


This function writes a report_spec object to the file system, using the specifications provided in the object.


  file_path = NULL,
  output_type = NULL,
  preview = NULL,
  log = TRUE



The report object to write.


The file name and path to write the report to. If supplied, this parameter overrides the file_path parameter on the create_report function. Default is NULL.


The output file type. This parameter will override the output_type on the create_report function. This parameter can be used to output the same report object to multiple output types. Default value is NULL, meaning it will not override the create_report value. Valid values are 'TXT', 'RTF', 'DOCX', 'PDF' and 'HTML'.


Whether to write the entire report, or a report preview. A report preview is a subset of pages of the report. The default value is NULL, meaning the entire report will be written. You may also pass a number of pages to write. For example, passing the number 1 will print the first page, while passing a 5 will print the first five pages.


Whether the function should log itself automatically, if the logr package is available. This parameter is used internally. Default is TRUE.


The function renders the report in the requested format, and writes it to the location specified in the report file_path parameter. Attempts to write an object that is not of class "report_spec" will generate an error.

The write_report function is a driver for very complex set of rendering functions. The rendering functions perform most of the advanced functionality of the reporter package: generating spanning headers, page wrapping and breaking, creating stub columns, etc. When things go wrong, they will usually go wrong during this function call. For that reason, although this function can be part of the pipeline that creates the report object, it is best to call write_report independently, to help isolate any issues from the report definition procedure.


The report spec, with settings modified during rendering. These modified settings can sometimes be useful for documentation, and for debugging issues with the procedure.

See Also

Other report: add_content(), create_report(), footnotes(), options_fixed(), page_by(), page_footer(), page_header(), print.report_spec(), set_margins(), title_header(), titles()



# Create temp file path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "beaver2.txt")

# Take Sample of Data
dat <- beaver2[sample(1:100, 15), ]

# Create format for active variable
fmt <- value(condition(x == 0, "No"),
             condition(x == 1, "Yes"))

# Create the table
tbl <- create_table(dat) %>% 
  titles("Table 1.0", "BEAVERS Sample Report") %>% 
  column_defaults(width = .75) %>% 
  define(day, label = "Day", format = "Day %s") %>% 
  define(time, label = "Time") %>% 
  define(temp, label = "Temperature", width = 1, format = "%.1f") %>% 
  define(activ,label = "Active", format = fmt) %>% 
  footnotes("* NOTE: Data on beaver habits")

# Create the report object
rpt <- create_report(tmp) %>% 
  add_content(tbl, align = "left") 

# Write the report to the file system
res <- write_report(rpt)

# Write the modified report object to the console

# Write the report to console
writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))

#                 Table 1.0
#           BEAVERS Sample Report
#      Day      Time  Temperature    Active
# -----------------------------------------
#  Day 307      1020         37.2        No
#  Day 307      1030         37.2        No
#  Day 307       940         36.7        No
#  Day 307      1340         37.1        No
#  Day 307      1410         37.2        No
#  Day 307      1400         37.1        No
#  Day 307      1130         36.9        No
#  Day 307      1140         37.0        No
#  Day 307      1120         37.0        No
#  Day 307      1000         37.1        No
#  Day 307      1250         37.0        No
#  Day 307      2100         37.9       Yes
#  Day 307      1210         37.0        No
#  Day 307      1740         38.0       Yes
#  Day 308       130         37.8       Yes
# * NOTE: Data on beaver habits