Package 'fetch'

Title: Fetch Data from Various Data Sources
Description: Contains functions to fetch data from various data sources. The user first creates a catalog of objects from a data source, then fetches data from the catalog. The package provides an easy way to access data from many different types of sources.
Authors: David Bosak [aut, cre], Kevin Kramer [ctb], Archytas Clinical Solutions [cph]
Maintainer: David Bosak <[email protected]>
License: CC0
Version: 0.1.5
Built: 2025-02-07 03:57:14 UTC

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Create a data source catalog


The catalog function returns a data catalog for a data source. A data catalog is like a collection of data dictionaries for all the datasets in the data source. The catalog allows you to examine the datasets in the data source without yet loading anything into memory. Once you decide which data items you want to load, use the fetch function to load that item into memory.


catalog(source, engine, pattern = NULL, where = NULL, import_specs = NULL)



The source for the data. This parameter is required. Normally the source is passed as a full or relative path.


The data engine to use for this data source. This parameter is required. The available data engines are available on the engines enumeration. For example, engines$csv will specify the CSV engine, and engines$rdata will specify the RDATA engine.


A pattern to use when loading data items from the data source. The pattern can be a name or a vector of names. Names also accept wildcards. The supplied pattern will be used to filter which data items are loaded into the catalog. For example, the pattern pattern = "AD*" will load only datasets that start with "AD".


A where expression to use when fetching the data. This expression will apply to all fetch operations on this catalog. The where expression should be defined with the Base R expression function. The expression is unquoted and can use any Base R operators or functions.


The import specs to use for any fetch operation on this catalog. The import spec can be used to control the data types on the incoming columns. You can create separate import specs for each dataset, or one import spec to use for all datasets. See the import_spec and specs functions for more information about this capability.


The loaded data catalog, as class "dcat". The catalog will be a list of data dictionaries. Each data dictionary is a tibble.

See Also

The fetch function to retrieve data from the catalog, and the import_spec function to create import specifications.


# Get data directory
pkg <- system.file("extdata", package = "fetch")

# Create catalog
ct <- catalog(pkg, engines$csv)

# Example 1: Catalog all rows

# View catalog
# data catalog: 6 items
# - Source: C:/packages/fetch/inst/extdata
# - Engine: csv
# - Items:
  # data item 'ADAE': 56 cols 150 rows
  # data item 'ADEX': 17 cols 348 rows
  # data item 'ADPR': 37 cols 552 rows
  # data item 'ADPSGA': 42 cols 695 rows
  # data item 'ADSL': 56 cols 87 rows
  # data item 'ADVS': 37 cols 3617 rows

# View catalog item
# data item 'ADEX': 17 cols 348 rows
# - Engine: csv
# - Size: 70.7 Kb
# - Last Modified: 2020-09-18 14:30:22
#    Name   Column     Class Label Format NAs MaxChar
# 1  ADEX  STUDYID character  <NA>     NA   0       3
# 2  ADEX  USUBJID character  <NA>     NA   0      10
# 3  ADEX   SUBJID character  <NA>     NA   0       3
# 4  ADEX   SITEID character  <NA>     NA   0       2
# 5  ADEX     TRTP character  <NA>     NA   8       5
# 6  ADEX    TRTPN   numeric  <NA>     NA   8       1
# 7  ADEX     TRTA character  <NA>     NA   8       5
# 8  ADEX    TRTAN   numeric  <NA>     NA   8       1
# 9  ADEX   RANDFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
# 10 ADEX    SAFFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
# 11 ADEX   MITTFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
# 12 ADEX  PPROTFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
# 13 ADEX    PARAM character  <NA>     NA   0      45
# 14 ADEX  PARAMCD character  <NA>     NA   0       8
# 15 ADEX   PARAMN   numeric  <NA>     NA   0       1
# 16 ADEX     AVAL   numeric  <NA>     NA  16       4
# 17 ADEX AVALCAT1 character  <NA>     NA  87      10

# Example 2: Catalog with where expression
ct <- catalog(pkg, engines$csv, where = expression(SUBJID == '049'))

# View catalog item - Now only 4 rows
# data item 'ADEX': 17 cols 4 rows
#- Where: SUBJID == "049"
#- Engine: csv
#- Size: 4.5 Kb
#- Last Modified: 2020-09-18 14:30:22
#Name   Column     Class Label Format NAs MaxChar
#1  ADEX  STUDYID character  <NA>     NA   0       3
#2  ADEX  USUBJID character  <NA>     NA   0      10
#3  ADEX   SUBJID character  <NA>     NA   0       3
#4  ADEX   SITEID character  <NA>     NA   0       2
#5  ADEX     TRTP character  <NA>     NA   0       5
#6  ADEX    TRTPN   numeric  <NA>     NA   0       1
#7  ADEX     TRTA character  <NA>     NA   0       5
#8  ADEX    TRTAN   numeric  <NA>     NA   0       1
#9  ADEX   RANDFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
#10 ADEX    SAFFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
#11 ADEX   MITTFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
#12 ADEX  PPROTFL character  <NA>     NA   0       1
#13 ADEX    PARAM character  <NA>     NA   0      45
#14 ADEX  PARAMCD character  <NA>     NA   0       8
#15 ADEX   PARAMN   numeric  <NA>     NA   0       1
#16 ADEX     AVAL   numeric  <NA>     NA   0       4
#17 ADEX AVALCAT1 character  <NA>     NA   1      10

A list of engine types


The engines enumeration contains all possible options for the "engine" parameter of the catalog function. Use this enumeration to specify what kind of data you would like to load. Options are: csv, dbf, rda, rds, rdata, sas7bdat, xls, xlsx, and xpt.




An object of class etype of length 9.


The engine parameter string.

See Also

The engines enumeration is used on the catalog function. See that function documentation for additional details.


#' # Get data directory
pkg <- system.file("extdata", package = "fetch")

# Create catalog
ct <- catalog(pkg, engines$csv)

# Example 1: Catalog all rows

# View catalog
# data catalog: 6 items
# - Source: C:/packages/fetch/inst/extdata
# - Engine: csv
# - Items:
  # data item 'ADAE': 56 cols 150 rows
  # data item 'ADEX': 17 cols 348 rows
  # data item 'ADPR': 37 cols 552 rows
  # data item 'ADPSGA': 42 cols 695 rows
  # data item 'ADSL': 56 cols 87 rows
  # data item 'ADVS': 37 cols 3617 rows

Create an Import Specification


A function to create the import specifications for a particular data file. This information can be used on the catalog or fetch functions to correctly assign the data types for columns on imported data. The import specifications are defined as name/value pairs, where the name is the column name and the value is the data type indicator. Available data type indicators are 'guess', 'logical', 'character', 'integer', 'numeric', 'date', 'datetime', and 'time'.

Also note that multiple import specifications can be combined into a collection, and assigned to an entire catalog. See the specs function for an example of using a specs collection.


import_spec(..., na = NULL, trim_ws = NULL)



Named pairs of column names and column data types, separated by commas. Available types are: 'guess', 'logical', 'character', 'integer', 'numeric', 'date', 'datetime', and 'time'. The date/time data types accept an optional input format. To supply the input format, append it after the data type following an equals sign, e.g.: 'date=%d%b%Y' or 'datetime=%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S'. Default is NULL, meaning no column types are specified, and the function should make its best guess for each column.


A vector of values to be treated as NA. For example, the vector c('', ' ') will cause empty strings and single blanks to be converted to NA values. Default is NULL, meaning the value of the na parameter will be taken from the specs function. Any value supplied on the import_spec function will override the value from the specs function.


Whether or not to trim white space from the input data values. The default is NULL, meaning the value of the trim_ws parameter will be taken from the specs function. Any value supplied on the import_spec function will override the value from the specs function.


The import specification object. The class of the object will be "import_spec".

Date/Time Format Codes

Below are some common date formatting codes. For a complete list, see the documentation for the strptime function:

  • %d = day as a number

  • %a = abbreviated weekday

  • %A = unabbreviated weekday

  • %m = month number

  • %b = abbreviated month name

  • %B = unabbreviated month name

  • %y = 2-digit year

  • %Y = 4-digit year

  • %H = hour

  • %M = minute

  • %S = second

  • %p = AM/PM indicator

See Also

fetch to retrieve data, and specs for creating a collection of import specs.

Other specs: print.specs(), read.specs(), specs(), write.specs()


# Get sample data directory
pkg <- system.file("extdata", package = "fetch")

# Create import spec
spc <- import_spec(TRTSDT = "date=%d%b%Y",
                   TRTEDT = "date=%d%b%Y")

# Create catalog without filter
ct <- catalog(pkg, engines$csv, import_specs = spc)

# Get dictionary for ADVS with Import Spec
d <- ct$ADVS

# Observe data types for TRTSDT and TRTEDT are now Dates
d[d$Column %in% c("TRTSDT", "TRTEDT"), ]
# data item 'ADVS': 37 cols 3617 rows
#- Engine: csv
#- Size: 1.1 Mb
#- Last Modified: 2020-09-18 14:30:22
#   Name Column Class Label Format NAs MaxChar
#16 ADVS TRTSDT  Date  <NA>     NA  54      10
#17 ADVS TRTEDT  Date  <NA>     NA 119      10

Print a data catalog


A class-specific instance of the print function for a data catalog. The function prints the catalog in a summary manner. Use verbose = TRUE option to print the catalog as a list.


## S3 method for class 'dcat'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The catalog to print.


Any follow-on parameters.


Whether or not to print the catalog in verbose style. By default, the parameter is FALSE, meaning to print in summary style.


The object, invisibly.


# Get data directory
pkg <- system.file("extdata", package = "fetch")

# Create catalog
ct <- catalog(pkg, engines$csv)

# View catalog
# data catalog: 6 items
# - Source: C:/packages/fetch/inst/extdata
# - Engine: csv
# - Items:
  # data item 'ADAE': 56 cols 150 rows
  # data item 'ADEX': 17 cols 348 rows
  # data item 'ADPR': 37 cols 552 rows
  # data item 'ADPSGA': 42 cols 695 rows
  # data item 'ADSL': 56 cols 87 rows
  # data item 'ADVS': 37 cols 3617 rows

Print a data catalog item


A class-specific instance of the print function for data catalog items. The function prints the info in a summary manner. Use verbose = TRUE to print the data info as a list.


## S3 method for class 'dinfo'
print(x, ..., verbose = TRUE)



The library to print.


Any follow-on parameters.


Whether or not to print the info in verbose style. By default, the parameter is FALSE, meaning to print in summary style. Verbose style includes a full data dictionary and printing of all attributes.


The data catalog object, invisibly.

Print import specifications


A function to print the import specification collection.


## S3 method for class 'specs'
print(x, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The specifications to print.


Any follow-on parameters to the print function.


Whether or not to print the specifications in verbose style. By default, the parameter is FALSE, meaning to print in summary style.


The specification object, invisibly.

See Also

Other specs: import_spec(), read.specs(), specs(), write.specs()

Read import specs from the file system


A function to read import specifications from the file system. The function accepts a full or relative path to the spec file, and returns the specs as an object. If the file_path parameter is passed as a directory name, the function will search for a file with a '.specs' extension and read it.


read.specs(file_path = getwd())



The full or relative path to the file system. Default is the current working directory. If the file_path is a file name that does not contain the '.specs' file extension, the function will add the extension. If the file_path contains a directory name, the function will search the directory for a file with an extension of '.specs'. If more than one file with an extension of '.specs' is founds, the function will generate an error.


The specifications object.

See Also

Other specs: import_spec(), print.specs(), specs(), write.specs()

Create an Import Spec Collection


A function to create a collection of import specifications for a data source. These specs can be used on the catalog function to correctly assign the data types uniquely for different imported data files. The spec collection is a set of import_spec objects identified by name/value pairs. The name corresponds to the name of the input dataset, without file extension. The value is the import_spec object to use for that dataset. In this way, you may define different specs for each dataset in your catalog.

The import engines will guess at the data types for any columns that are not explicitly defined in the import specifications. The import spec syntax is the same for all data engines.

Note that the na and trim_ws parameters on the specs function will be applied globally to all files in the library. These global settings can be overridden on the import_spec for any particular data file.

Also note that the specs collection is defined as an object so it can be stored and reused. See the write.specs and read.specs functions for additional information on saving and restoring specs.


specs(..., na = c("", "NA"), trim_ws = TRUE)



Named input specs. The name should correspond to the file name, without the file extension. The spec is defined as an import_spec object. See the import_spec function for additional information on parameters for that object.


A vector of values to be treated as NA. For example, the vector c('', ' ') will cause empty strings and single blanks to be converted to NA values. For most file types, empty strings and the string 'NA' ('', 'NA') are considered NA. For SASĀ® datasets and transport files, a single blank and a single dot c(" ", ".") are considered NA. The value of the na parameter on the specs function can be overridden by the na parameter on the import_spec function.


Whether or not to trim white space from the input data values. Valid values are TRUE, and FALSE. Default is TRUE. The value of the trim_ws parameter on the specs function can be overridden by the trim_ws parameter on the import_spec function.


The import spec collection. The class of the object is "specs".

See Also

catalog to create a data catalog, fetch for retrieving data, and import_spec for additional information on defining an import spec.

Other specs: import_spec(), print.specs(), read.specs(), write.specs()


# Get sample data directory
pkg <- system.file("extdata", package = "fetch")

# Create import spec
spc <- specs(ADAE = import_spec(TRTSDT = "date=%d%b%Y",
                                TRTEDT = "date=%d%b%Y"),
             ADVS = import_spec(TRTSDT = "character",
                                TRTEDT = "character"))

# Create catalog with specs collection
ct <- catalog(pkg, engines$csv, import_specs = spc)

# Get dictionary for ADAE with Import Spec
d1 <- ct$ADAE

# Observe data types for TRTSDT and TRTEDT are Dates
d1[d1$Column %in% c("TRTSDT", "TRTEDT"), ]
# data item 'ADAE': 56 cols 150 rows
#- Engine: csv
#- Size: 155 Kb
#- Last Modified: 2020-09-18 14:30:22
#   Name Column Class Label Format NAs MaxChar
#13 ADAE TRTSDT  Date  <NA>     NA   1      10
#14 ADAE TRTEDT  Date  <NA>     NA   4      10

# Get dictionary for ADVS with Import Spec
d2 <- ct$ADVS

# Observe data types for TRTSDT and TRTEDT are character
d2[d2$Column %in% c("TRTSDT", "TRTEDT"), ]
# data item 'ADVS': 37 cols 3617 rows
#- Engine: csv
#- Size: 1.1 Mb
#- Last Modified: 2020-09-18 14:30:22
#   Name Column     Class Label Format NAs MaxChar
#16 ADVS TRTSDT character  <NA>     NA  54       9
#17 ADVS TRTEDT character  <NA>     NA 119       9

Write import specs to the file system


A function to write import specifications to the file system. The function accepts a specifications object and a full or relative path. The function returns the full file path. This function is useful so that you can define import specifications once, and reuse them in multiple programs or across multiple teams.


write.specs(x, dir_path = getwd(), file_name = NULL)



A specifications object of class 'specs'.


A full or relative path to save the specs. Default is the current working directory.


The file name to save to specs, without a file extension. The '.specs' file extension will be added automatically. If no file name is supplied, the function will use the variable name as the file name.


The full file path.

See Also

Other specs: import_spec(), print.specs(), read.specs(), specs()